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We are under attack...

11/16/12, by artyom ; Posted in: Off Topic; 3 comments

Here in Israel...

I hear explosions of Grad rockets fired by Hamas to our cities. I hear sirens that gives us short alarms to run for shelters.

This is daily routine...

What Gives Israel the Right to Defend Itself?

Artyom Beilis,

Lead CppCMS Developer, from Israel


welemon, at 11/18/12, 2:49 PM

Watched the news, they even fire rocket to Tel Aviv civilian areas, It's good you have Iron Dome System, Hope that intercept all rockets. Be safe. Bless you.

Allan SIMON, at 11/19/12, 5:08 PM

Take care of you, hope it will all be better soon

artyom, at 11/19/12, 6:24 PM


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