SOCI or DBI, stage 2
Discussing soci performance with its developers I had found that soci is compiled without any optimizations by default.
So, after recompiling soci with -O2 option I've got much better results. Simple comparison of dbixx and soci had given very close result. I had run my tests once more and got following results -- pages per second (no gzip): DB soci dbixx -------------------- MySQL 710 800 Sqlite3 550 410 PgSQL 385 430
We can clearly see that for MySQL and PostgreSQL dbixx is still faster in about 10% however in case of Sqlite3 dbixx is significantly slower (25%).
So it seems to me that both solutions are quite reasonable to use without clear advantage of one over another.
So it falls down to which one has a better, more intuitive, syntax...
There are other considerations as well:
And so on and so far...
This is defenatly not a simple question...
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