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A new name for CppCMS Project?

7/4/08, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress; 3 comments

Now it is clear for me that CppCMS is not quite successful name for this project. Manys think that it is rather Content Management System like Drupal written in C++, then A C++ Web Development like Django that allows you to write CMS.

So think is it worth to change the name of the project to something other? If so what name to choose?

Update: 2012-08-19

The name of the project will not be changed. It is already widely known and embedded into the software as namespace. So we'll stick with it.


Jonathan Goosh, at 7/25/11, 4:48 PM


thanks for your great work!

are you still considering changing the framework's name? "CppCMS" is really missleading...

How about "Maelstrom" or "Whirligig" because it's making webapplications whirling..

Kind regards Exohec

artyom, at 7/25/11, 11:31 PM

are you still considering changing the framework's name? "CppCMS" is really missleading...

See this

Gab, at 8/19/12, 12:02 AM

In latin Framework = compage


Compage -> C++ompage -> C omp++age = Omplusage

I think is good "Omplusage"


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