First Beta Version of CppCMS is Out!
7/11/08, by artyom ;
Posted in:
First beta version is avalibile under LGPL 2.1 from SourceForge.
It includes:
- CppCMS Framework
- Templates System
- DbiXX SQL Layer
- Examples of usage
Good Luck!
Simply awesome, keep on the good work. This is just what I was looking for and thought about myself :)
PS: Did you think about integrating CppCMS directly into Apache as a module, or try something like tntnet:, thus using a http-server-library right directly with the application instead of CGI,FastCGI, etc.?
Thanks, you know, beta testers are more then welcome ;)
Actually I thought about creating something like "mod_socgi" -- a simple Apache module that would load a given shared object of an application and execute it.
Probably it even will be best to create a general shared object interface derived from CGI model in order to let any webserver load an application that uses this model.
Something like:
When apache calls some entry of shared object giving typical cgi facilities like read function, write function and environment variables.
However, I just didn't get to it yet.
But I must admit that FastCGI/SCGI are very powerful and extremely fast interfaces allowing execution of the application by almost any web server. There are usually no performance disadvantages running apache_mod_xyz over running webserver_mod_fcgi + xyz_fcgi
I have problems compiling it with all necessary libs installed and gcc/g++ 4.3.1 at Debian/testing:
PS: Name, and Email are lost after using the Preview button.
Well, I fixed this one by including cstdlib. But here comes the next:
It seems to be my bug:
#include <stdlib.h>
Thanks for report, I never compiled with gcc 4.3 version.
What browser do you use? Have you Java script enabled? Do you have some "developer tools" installed different addons?
Just checked, it seems to work.
Thanks for reports!
Ok I missed
#include <memory>
header... As I told, never compiled with 4.3P.S.: I'd be glad if you try to report me all problems in order to fix them in next release
I still do not have much beta testers, both fixes commited to svn thanks!
OK, the lost name and email issue is solved for me too. I didn't allow cookies for this blog, and with these two fixes cppcms compiles fines.
(Examples seem to compile fine too)
More issues with compiling the template system:
adding an include for string.h helps here
including ctime helps. Last issue:
(error is in line 197 without that new include line)
Thanks a lot!
Ok, it seems that gcc-4.3 much more strict to the standard I really defined in headers duplicate "param" that shouldn't be (easy fix just remove them).
Commited fixes to SVN...
Works, now hello_world_templates example compiles too.
But I think you still forgot to add "#include <string.h>" to transtext/trans_factory.cpp, which is required to compile with 4.3.
Thanks, fixed!
I got a problem running the example message_board:
with "process" I get 1 message, with "prefork" a message flood (as probably expected). I tried to grep the libdbi and cppcms source to find where this error comes from but I didn't succeed. Using gdb and interrupting I get the following bt (I hope this helps):
Have you installed package: libdbd-sqlite3
Libdbi has different backends for working with databases. If it fails to load backend that it is just not installed.
With libdbi you can use different databases and load them on runtime: mysql, postgresql and so on (however this forum was written for sqlite3)
Thanks, I missed that.
I'm just making my first steps with cppcms and trying to create models for the database layout.
If you are interested in db connection pooling you might want to check out:
I must admit, that in comparison to major frameworks like RoR, Django; At this point CppCMS missing ORM layer, however I still not convinced that it is mandatory feature.
Thanks for the link to sqlrelay. I must admit I missed it.
As I noticed in remarks on dbixx, it is yet another sql layer that can be used but it is not mandatory. IMHO it is useful due to nice syntax sugar. At some point I used SOCI, however I found libdbi more mature.
Anyway I can suggest you looking to the code of this blog (cms project in svn) that can give you some ideas what this framework can do. Meanwhile I'll continue writing reference documentation and tutorials. There are still many topics like: caching, framework API and so on.
I'll be glad for any feedback negative or positive you give.
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