CppCMS 0.0.2 Released!
1/16/09, by artyom ;
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After long period of development CppCMS 0.0.2 was released!
- Downloads
- Documentation --- (not 100% complete yet).
- Installation Instructions
It includes following components:
- CppCMS Web Development Framework.
- DbiXX Database independent SQL library.
- WikiPP -- CppCMS powered wiki engine.
- Examples -- a set of various examples of using CppCMS.
Policy Changes
There are important release policy changes:
- Beta versions are available to public via svn on trunk branch.
- The frequency of releases is expected to grow, instead of long development periods inside trunk.
- Most of CppCMS architecture is stabilized, however API is still subject to change.
- No full backward compatibility for future releases is granted, however, preserving backward compatibility and stabilizing API are important goals of future development.
Major Changes
- New, statically typed template system was introduced. It is based on compilation of templates to native, dynamically loadable shared objects.
- Old, dynamic typed template system had deprecated and not supported any more
Various enhancements to template system where introduced like:
- Powerful "Django style" templates inheritance
- Extending templates using direct injection of C++ code to templates.
- Templates are integral part of CppCMS project and not additional library.
Introduced form processing and validation sub-framework deeply integrated with templates system.
- Introduced powerful, scalable session management system.
- Improved cache API for better supporting non-trigger based caching.
- Documentation had moved to CppCMS powered Wiki -- WikiPP
- FreeBSD and OpenSolaris are supported in addition to Linux and Cygwin.
- CppCMS powered Wiki software -- WikiPP was released under GPLv3.
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