CppCMS Going Embedded... or I need your help!
Recently I start understanding that embedded market may be very important market for CppCMS. So I did several tweaks to the code in order to support embedded systems:
- When the library is compiled for embedded system, caching system is totally removed, removed dependency on boost::iostreams and compression library.
- Mod-prefork is removed as much more memory consuming.
- Removed dynamic loading of templates.
- Option for cgi-only library given --- no scgi and and fastcgi APIs are compiled in, all remaining worker "mods" are removed.
- Session storage backend is simplified and optimized for cgi when it is compiled in embedded mode.
Everything was cross compiled for arm and tested with qemu-arm
, but unfortunately I do not have an access to real ARM hardware with installed Linux system, so...
I need your help:
- Download following test_arm_embed.tar.gz
- Copy it to your ARM system and extract files.
Try to run cgi script from command line:
./hello.dynamic -c config.txt
This is "Hello World" that is dynamically linked with libstdc++. If it does not work try
./hello.static -c config.txt
This is full statically compiled version of "Hello World" cgi script.
You should get as output CGI headers and HTML output.
Please, try to run it several times with:
time ./hello.dynamic -c config.txt
And tell the average run time.
- If you have a web server in your system I'd be very glad if you could test
cgi script -- please edit it ---
to reflect correct executable and path.
I all works fine I'd be glad (if it is possible) to prepare a set of scripts that would test various aspects of cppcms as templates, various session backends and so on.
Hello . I just found your site now while looking for a web development framework for c++.
I think this is a great idea and I certainly think it has a lot of potential. I think it's especially useful for embedded sutff.
I have a router for instance and it's got Linux + a lousy asp stuff web based GUI.
It's slow as hell and not that useful.
Having said that I still didn't manage to hack my router so I can get console access and run stuff on it.
As soon as I do however I will help as I can and provide you with some results. I'm just learning c++ but if I can I hope to help with the development soon. Keep on the good work you're doing here. I for one think it has a lot of potential.
Hello Marius,
I would suggest you start working in normal environment and then cross compile to embedded.
This would give you an experience with this framework before you are going deep into embedded.
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