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Boost Namespace Renamer

5/24/09, by artyom ; 0 comments

I had written a little Python script that solves the collision problem of different versions of Boost library, it is especially critical for library project that aims to provide backward binary compatibility.

Script source: http://art-blog.no-ip.info/files/rename.py


./rename.py /path/to/boost/tree new_namespace_name


  1. No guaranteeing, if this scripts eats your cat or destroys all your source, it is Your problem.
  2. It is quite an initial version, but I managed to build most important Boost libraries like: thread, program-options, system, iostreams, date-time, regex, serialization, signals and run some regression tests.
  3. This script does not update Jam files, so, some conditional stuff(like symbol exports for DLL) would probably not work. I assume that each project that pics some code from Boost, provides its own build system.

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