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Introducing Boost.Locale

11/8/09, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Unicode and Localization; 0 comments

After a long period of hesitating I had understood -- standard C++ locale facets are no-go and started developing localization tools based on ICU that work in C++ friendly way. Thus, Boost.Locale was born. It had just been announced to the Boost community for preliminary review.

Boost.Locale provides case conversion and folding, Unicode normalization, collation, numeric, currency, and date-time formatting, messages formatting, boundary analysis and code-page conversions in C++ aware way.

For example in order to display a currency value it is enough to write this:

cout << as::currency  << 123.34 << endl;

And currency like "$124.34" would be formatted. Spelling a number?

cout << as::spellout << 1024 << endl;

Very simple. And much more. This library would be the base for CppCMS localization support and I hope it would be also accepted in Boost at some point in future.

I've tested this library with:


Source Code

Is available from SVN repository.

svn co https://cppcms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cppcms/boost_locale/trunk


You need CMake 2.4 and above, ICU 3.6 and above, 4.2 recommended So checkout the code, and run

cmake /path/to/boost_locale/libs/locale

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