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MSVC9 is now supported by CppCMS

11/14/09, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress; 0 comments

MSVC 2008 had successfully compiled CppCMS 1.x.x branch and run several examples. So it looks like that Windows with MSVC would definitely be one of the officially supported platforms. (Note: 0.0.x stable branch would not support Windows besides Cygwin)

The biggest problems I had with MSVC were lack of support of C99 and some POSIX functionality like: snprintf, cstdint or gmtime_r... but with couple of ifdefs it mostly solved.

To be honest, Windows development can be quite unpleasant, especially with lack of basic widely available libraries like zlib. But finally I must admit that it is possible to work with Mircosoft compiler, I could even admit, it could be very fine compiler if it was supporting C99.

Also, more time I try supporting Windows platform, more I understand: gcc is not as polished under Windows as it is under Unix platforms. That makes development of cross platform software even harder.

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