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New version of Boost.Locale released

3/13/10, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Unicode and Localization; 0 comments

New version of Boost.Locale releasedI'm glad to introduce updated version of Boost.Locale library: This library was designed for Boost and created because of needs CppCMS framework.

Boost.Locale is a library that brings high quality localization facilities in C++ way. It provides the natural glue between C++ locales framework, iostreams and powerful ICU library giving:

New in this version:

  1. Fully redesigned break iterator interface
  2. Added date_time and calendar support that allow manipulating with dates over non-Gregorian calendars
  3. Implemented full set of unit-tests
  4. Added support of many platforms and compilers.
  5. Lots of bug fixes.
  6. Complete reference with Doxygen
  7. Many tutorial updates, thanks to Markus Raab inputs

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