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CppCMS 0.99.4 released

10/30/10, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress; 4 comments

New Features:

Bug Fixes:

The download is available in usual place: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cppcms/files/


Daniel, at 11/9/10, 12:23 AM

Hello mate, i have the following errors:

71% tests passed, 19 tests failed out of 66

The following tests FAILED: 9 - status_test (Failed) 10 - async_status_test (Failed) 11 - form_test (Failed) 12 - cookie_test (Failed) 13 - internal_forwarder_test (Failed) 14 - forwarder_test (Failed) 15 - jsonrpc_test (Failed) 16 - disco_test_http (Failed) 17 - disco_test_fastcgi_tcp (Failed) 18 - disco_test_scgi_tcp (Failed) 21 - proto_test_async_http (Failed) 22 - proto_test_async_scgi (Failed) 23 - proto_test_async_fastcgi (Failed) 26 - proto_test_sync_http (Failed) 27 - proto_test_sync_scgi (Failed) 28 - proto_test_sync_fastcgi (Failed) 46 - test_aio_socket (Failed) 47 - test_aio_endpoint (Failed) 49 - test_aio_prefork (Failed) Errors while running CTest

artyom, at 11/9/10, 7:18 AM

Hello mate, i have the following errors:

Read this section in the troubleshooting guide

Daniel, at 11/11/10, 4:10 PM

I've did the 8080 and 8081 ports test and its all clean. :(

artyom, at 11/11/10, 7:16 PM

I've did the 8080 and 8081 ports test and its all clean. :(

You mean all tests passed or didn't helped.

I'm telling you that these test fail when one of these ports are taken. It is typical situation.

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