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SQL Connectivity Libraries released

12/13/10, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Storage; 3 comments

Today two SQL Connectivity libraries were released.

  1. Released first version 0.0.1 of CppDB library - new powerful SQL Connectivity library written in C++.
  2. Released updated version 0.0.4 of DbiXX - libdbi wrapper. It was also deprecated in favor of CppDB.

    It would be continued to be updated with bug fixed and probably small features, but the support will be discontinued withing a year or two, depending on the users needs.

Downloads are available in usual place: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cppcms/files/

Documentation can be found at: http://art-blog.no-ip.info/sql

Why CppDB? What is New There?

New SQL Connectivity library was introduced. There were many reasons for this step:

  1. Support of both prepared and unprepared statements and transparent prepared statements caching.
  2. Connection Pooling
  3. Static and Dynamic linking of the modules - very important for deploy.
  4. Native windows support including MSVC compiler.
  5. Removal of additional intermediate layer between the C++ code and native SQL client - libdbi.
  6. Performance.
  7. Ensure thread safety (which libdbi was lacking on some platforms - windows)

What is new in DbiXX

Why not other libraries like SOCI or QtSql


Stefan A., at 12/16/10, 9:06 PM

Perhaps you could compare SOCI, dbixx and eventually libopendbx (which seems also to be a really small wrapper around the native db libraries) regarding there performance in different situations.

Until now I used libopendbx for my projects, but as this project looks as it is dying I think I'll give cppdb a try.

Thanks for you effort!


artyom, at 12/21/10, 8:43 AM

Perhaps you could compare SOCI, dbixx and eventually libopendbx (which seems also to be a really small wrapper around the native db libraries) regarding there performance in different situations.

I've did and CppDB outperforms them by 30% - 200%, depending on situation, backend etc...

However it is hard to compare them as nobody uses prepared statements caching and this gives significant performance boost.

Other then that when prepared statements cache is turned off it has similar (generally little bit better) performance in comparison to other libraries.

I didn't published the benchmarks as they behave differently and it is hard to call such comparison fair.

DanielVallejos, at 12/27/10, 8:54 PM

More over SOCI vs CPPDB

CPPDB has:


They are two very useful functions that SOCI not have.


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