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Boost.Locale was accepted into Boost

4/26/11, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Unicode and Localization; 4 comments

Now it is official. Boost.Locale was accepted into Boost.

So the Localization part of CppCMS would be spread all over the C++ world.


Stefan, at 4/26/11, 12:34 PM

Congratulations! The correct reward for your hard work.

Alex, at 4/26/11, 7:59 PM


Stanimir, at 4/27/11, 12:30 PM

Now I have even stronger arguments to promote CppCMS, just saying that the original author and maintainer, pushed part of the library into Boost. No one can't resist this one. Thank you so much!

Daniel, at 4/27/11, 4:02 PM

Congrats mate!!, You deserve it !, well done !

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