Who Uses CppCMS?
Who uses CppCMS? It is a big question. Not because there are no CppCMS users. There are plenty, just take a look on CppCMS users mailing list. However, almost nobody tells us about it
I had recently discovered a small company Dhiti that uses CppCMS for their RESTful web services like: http://dive.dhiti.com, http://drilll.com and http://intweetion.com.
I was quite excited about this. I had also remembered that Tatoeba project developers were planing to rewrite their software based on CakePHP in C++ using CppCMS. So I had looked once again on. Indeed, the process had started. The announcement was published in Tatoeba Blog. More then that, I discovered that alpha-version of Tatoeba written in C++ was already on the web: http://tato.sysko.fr, and had shown significant performance improvements.
Dear CppCMS users,
So if you have an active public web site running on CppCMS, if your company or your project embeds CppCMS in your applications, please tell us.
There is a page on the CppCMS's wiki that is created especially for this purpose:
"Who Uses CppCMS"
I will be grateful if you add your projects to the "Who Uses CppCMS" page.
Hello there,
I'm the guy who's developing the new version of tatoeba with cppcms (by the way thanks a lot for this, also for boost.locale, though I need to remember to e-mail you about a bug I have with boundary analysis)
Actually I didn't talked to much about it because I've been so busy with my professional life (as tatoeba is only a "hobby") that I even didn't found time to write and little line of codes for months, so even less time to talk about it (because when you start to talk about it, you will soon see your mailbox full of interesting questions you can't help but answer ... )
fortunately these 3 next months are going to be "c++ dev for tatoeba only " so i should be able to communicate more about it, and as we're rather "open culture" enthusiasts, the code of the website will be soon available under AGPL licence with a public git for those willing to see the code and maybe a "dev stuff" blog where I will shares my experience on coding a medium-- -website (for the moment we have around 75 000 monthly user with around 500 000 page view but we do have a rather stable growth rate of +15% month)
I will communicate more at the beginning of July
keep in touch
(sorry for my broken English, I'm French)
Hello Allan,
My e-mail can be found at this page:
Also feel free to use bug tracking system or use CppCMS users mailing list.
I'll be glad to see your inputs and problems you have. Feel free to e-mail me directly or over mailing list.
I had actually seen your code over the public repository at http://redmine.sysko.fr/projects/tatoebacpp/repository and I'm impressed.
I had also seen some things that could be done differently and several things I can change in CppCMS itself to make them easier for development.
Finally user inputs are very important for CppCMS and myself.
I'm looking forward for it.
No problem... I'll be glad to help where I can. Also I've reviewed a little the code you have and I can bring some inputs if you want.
I actually like Tatoeba project very much as it created something very interesting.
If you see a bug in boundary analysis in code please send me a report ASAP as I'm working in this days on final version of Boost.Locale that would be included into Boost.
So if you know about bugs... tell me so I can fix them
At the start of July, thanks to fund we've received from mozilla fundation, I will do a 3 month internship for tatoeba, so I will be full-time on it and by extension, as it's the current big project, on coding it in c++ with your framework, so pretty available for exchanging with you.
For Boost.locale,
I've compiled it on linux (ubuntu 11.04 with gcc 4,5,2) and when i wanted to make a very simply soft using the token_iterator as shown here http://cppcms.sourceforge.net/boost_locale/html/boundary_analysys.html I did have a "std::bad_cast" exception
After some investigation, I've seen you have a similar code in examples/boundary.cpp and it produce exactly the same error when i try to run it
(by the way having to validate the captcha when clicking on preview is not so convenient :) but it's just a detail, and I don't know if it's case sensitive or not, but to be in China right now I've discovered that case sensitive stuff are really not Chinese people-friendly ^^)
Two possible problems:
is caused by attempt to access locale's facet that was not installed.Start from
and make sure you use ICU.Actually Captcha should appear first time you do something for content.
It is optimization, for pages that just viewed so I don't want to generate too many Captchas as it costly operation.
It is especially important when entire pages are cached.
Actually I've already got some complains about captcha and I'll make it simpler and easier to read. But still need to get to it.
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