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The blog was upgraded

6/16/11, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress; 15 comments

The blog was upgraded.

In fact it was completely rewritten to use all new features of CppCMS 0.99.7. It was not a simple task, as this blog was the first application implemented with CppCMS. It carried lots of legacy code. For example the it hadn't even used sessions or existing form validation tools at all.

So the new version that was rewritten with all new tools and now safe application to use.

It's code can be found in svn at:

After running the new version on this web site for a while I'll release it officially with all appropriate build instructions and release notes.

Meanwhile if you want to try it, you need following:

Build it with CMake as usual (inside sources)

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

And then you can create a database using sql/mysql.sql, sql/postgresql.sql or sql/sqlite3.sql scripts, edit config.js according to the DB and run it as usual.

./blog -c ../config.js

On first access you'll be requested to configure the blog.

Currently it supports:



Allan SIMON, at 6/20/11, 6:35 AM

On my ubuntu 11.04 with my version of graphicmagick++ I had the same issue as here http://code.google.com/p/pdf2djvu/issues/detail?id=47#c0

I fixed it by changing these lines

-       lh(height_/2),
-       letters(sizeof(choise)-1,Magick::Image(Magick::Geometry(lw,lh),Magick::Color("white")))
+       lh(height_/2)
        using namespace Magick;
+        InitializeMagick("");
+        letters = std::vector<Image>(sizeof(choise)-1,Image(Geometry(lw,lh),Color("white")));

and now it works perfectly, but when I've tried to run it on my lenny (amd64), with or without this patch, the server is launched (I can netcat on it) but it does not answer to http request (seems the constructor of blog is not called for some reason)

Allan SIMON, at 6/20/11, 6:52 AM

I meant in captcha.cpp (hmm and I should I've clicked on preview for the diff, it's two deletion at first and 3 add)

artyom, at 6/20/11, 7:30 AM

Actually I had same problems with GraphicsMagick++ under Ubuntu as well. Currently I use ImageMagick++ on Lenny/amd64 and this is what it runs on now in production.

I'll check this: InitializeMagick(""); it seems to be the answer to the problem.


Allan SIMON, at 6/21/11, 9:22 AM

When using the fastcgi output instead of the http embeded server it works fine on my lenny (though it showed me an exeception as I had forgotten to create the database), did it work for you when you try to launch it as embeded ?

Allan SIMON, at 6/21/11, 9:40 AM

sorry to use comments as a bug tracker (I'm using my cellhphone and your is in my last visited pages so it's kinda convenient, shame on me)

The copyright notice is not updated when no page (I mean static page we can create outside of posts) is created, it gets updated when you first create a page.

artyom, at 6/21/11, 10:46 AM

When using the fastcgi output instead of the http embeded server it works fine on my lenny (though it showed me an exeception as I had forgotten to create

It should work, most of development done using embedded HTTP server because it is very convenient.

Default settings of HTTP server in config.js script in SVN is to have a blog on http://localhost:8080/blog URL. Are you sure you use right URL?

The copyright notice is not updated when no page (I mean static page we can create outside of posts) is created, it gets updated when you first create a page.

I've noticed this, this is a problem with cache/triggers I'm aware of it and going to fix this.

This blog takes caching to extream - everything cached and it never uses timeouts so all cache invalidation done via set of triggers. So there are may be some bugs till I find them all.

Meanwhile you can always go in administrator interface cache->clear cache.

artyom, at 6/21/11, 10:47 AM

sorry to use comments as a bug tracker

No problem

Allan SIMON, at 6/26/11, 5:01 AM

when I try to delete a comment I get the following errors

sqlite3:cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress

artyom, at 6/26/11, 7:29 AM

Thanks for the report, fixed.

Take the version from SVN.

BTW in your blog captcha is not displayed check URL rewriting.

Edit: I had also update the captcha so it should be easier now

Allan SIMON, at 7/7/11, 10:18 AM

Hi, I did spend a hardtime trying to figure why the plateform didn't want to save one of my message, it kept putting a * near the post content field, though it was full of text, and I finally discover it was because of a strange character which was in the text, maybe after a weird copy/paste, maybe having a clearer message (if possible of course) about what is wrong (text missing, junk characters etc.) would be helpful

thanks :)

artyom, at 7/7/11, 3:38 PM

CppCMS checks form's input encoding by default, and if it is not a valid it makes the field invalid.

Allan SIMON, at 7/17/11, 6:59 PM

By the way the header of the rss should be application/xml not html :)

artyom, at 7/18/11, 8:08 AM

By the way the header of the rss should be application/xml not html :)

Yep, there is a bug. I set content header after fetching the data from cache. Fixed in trunk, thanks!

By the way... When would you fix the captcha at your blog. It is not visible, I can't put any comments :-)

Allan SIMON, at 7/18/11, 3:37 PM

ok I've updated my version.

for captcha, when i go on /captcha i get the following segfault


seems I haven't set the correct permission to a directory (though i think it shouldn't crash :) )

artyom, at 7/19/11, 8:23 AM

(though i think it shouldn't crash :) )

Yep it shouldn't,

Confirmed: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3370576&group_id=209965&atid=1011835

Working on it.

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