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CppCMS 0.99.10 Released

9/1/11, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress; 3 comments

I'd like to summarize this release that makes:

As a part of security improvements new page was added to the CppCMS wiki:

Secure Programming with CppCMS

It is still work in progress but it shows some important tools that would help you to develop safer web applications. I'd recommend every one to read it, especially the sections about XSS and CSRF

Now about the changes CppCMS itself.

New features:



Marius, at 9/1/11, 3:25 PM

I'm really impressed. Now I really have to try it out and build a site with this. I said I would some time ago but you're doing a good job and it sounds really tempting now. Thanks, not only for your work but I also admire you determination to get it done.

Fuentes, at 9/10/11, 9:24 AM

First of all, many congratulations to developers of this project. Looks very promissing.

Second, is there a forum to get support in a relative short time?? I have trouble in the compilation process, and simply i dont know how to solve this issue.

Any support is gratefully received.

Thx and keep the good work.

artyom, at 9/10/11, 11:09 AM

There is a mailing list that you can register and read:

Also read build and troubleshoot instructions:

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