In this post I'll describe the roadmap of this project for the close period. There are several important points to deal with them.
- Move from Berkeley DB to SQL. This involves an integration with external general purpose SQL library, probably, I'm going to use soci or libdbi.
- Preparation of caching system
- Improvements of text tools -- better markdown or restructured text support.
- Code cleanup and initial alpha release of the framework and the CMS itself (this blog).
Berkeley DB to SQL
This is quite painful process that should be done. I am still looking for good C++ SQL API wrappers that would allow easy development using SQL. I should decide what do I choose before next steps will be done.
Many things depend on this -- as the future of the project itself.
Preparation of cache system
This is very important part. Framework may not include ORM or perfect templates system. but it worthless if very simple thing like "not create same page twice" is not done.
Code cleanup
There are a lot of job to do. I should review all the code and make it better -- more correct. Many things were done too fast, thus if they do not change they will remain this way in the project.
At this point I do not have much time to work on it, but I continue development and preparations even if there are no too much commits to svn repository.
Hi Artyom
A couple of components for you to look at
Stencil, quite nice framework for web applications in C++, supports compiling of app as either apache module or CGI with a simple macro switch.
Goods, Object Orientated DBMS, Supports clustering, online backup, i believe it has a direct STL interface, written in C++ but has swig bindings to lots of other langs.
I would love to get involved, i have almost 20 years C++ experience (worked with the original C-Front implementations)
Thanks for replay,
Actually, I'm aware of CGI modules or any other kind of non persistent processes. FastCGI allows creation of persistent process that may cache a lot of information directly in memory. This can't be done for CGI. I'm not sure about apache module, but as far as I know apache process are restarted frequently so I prefer to work in FastCGI mode that is also compatible with most of web servers: lighttpd, apache, thttpd. nginex, IIS etc.
However I'll take a look on Stencil, maybe I'll find some good ideas.
Looks interesting. It worth to check it.
Please mail me artyomtnk on Yahoo dot com
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