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CppCMS 0.999.0 - Release Candidate 1

1/18/12, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Framework; 10 comments

The first release candidate of the next version of CppCMS is available - the API can be considered stable from this point and would not be changed in backward incompatible way.

New Features:


Nilay Parikh, at 1/23/12, 2:03 PM

Hi guys, looks promising, I'd wondering if you have more detail run-book or deployment guide with other servers with fast-cgi approach! I'd really love to explore more. I'm planning to launch a service (mash-up). But want to put first brick at right place by going with highly scalable and robust system. e.g. erlang or c++!

In the evaluation mode so with limited resources and funds. If you guys can point me to right resources that can lead me to right setup.

PS. I'm techiee but more over MS stack, C++ is primary tool that I have used since last 8 years nor much expertise on Linux. Understand technical aspect and pick up quickly, any guide that help me to setup dev environment would also great, e.g. IDE, Debugging etc.

I'm planning either Eclipse C++ or CodeBlock? Would like to know if you explore MinGW+IDE on windows or you prefer to develop on native.

It would be useful if you can let more light on development part.

So, far I've explored G-WAN (c-servelets), my own C++(standalone), and erlang (ChicagoBoss). Wt++ is good but not a real web platform.

The main reason is that mash up would require to aggregate results from 4-10 different sources so only make sense to have in C++ to reduce computational time with native and robust language.

artyom, at 1/23/12, 2:15 PM

I'd wondering if you have more detail run-book or deployment guide with other servers with fast-cgi approach!

Do you ask on how to deploy FastCGI service? If so then follow this link:


If not can't you explain more precisely what you are looking for?

I'm techiee but more over MS stack, C++ is primary tool that I have used since last 8 years nor much expertise on Linux.

You can use MS stack as well. Visual Studio and Microsoft Windows are fully supported.

Understand technical aspect and pick up quickly, any guide that help me to setup dev environment would also great, e.g. IDE, Debugging etc.

Start from the wiki and the "Hello World" example with your favorite IDE.

Would like to know if you explore MinGW+IDE on windows or you prefer to develop on native.

CppCMS is developed on Linux however it is fully tested on Windows and many CppCMS users actually use windows for development.

Use whatever you feel right. Of course Linux is most frequently used platform.

It would be useful if you can let more light on development part.

Start from tutorials and explore multiple examples coming with CppCMS.

Nilay Parikh, at 1/23/12, 4:00 PM

@artyom, thanks that helps a lot.

I'm bit cracky on English as it not my first language however I appreciate your efforts to get most of my doubts clear.

One more thing, is there any architecture diagrams or documents?

Some more doubts,

  1. What would be deployable/outcome, a self-contained FastCGI server with all cppcms + customization natively compiled as executable (or service) that need to be configured via other FastCGI servers.

  2. If I develop a product built on your application than that would allow me to support multiple distribution with same codebase? - I assume your answer would be yes.

Thanks in advance.

You guys got some really good stuff here.

One more commercial question (no problem if you would like to drop a separate email for that - email address in meta of comment!)

  1. Support - Cost etc?
  2. Licenses to incorporate in propitiatory distribution or free but non-opensource?

artyom, at 1/23/12, 4:25 PM

What would be deployable/outcome, a self-contained FastCGI server with all cppcms + customization natively compiled as executable (or service) that need to be configured via other FastCGI servers.

You can create fully self contained executable that is fastcgi server and the external web server would start it. Of course you can also run such executable with its own internal web server for embedded environments.

If I develop a product built on your application than that would allow me to support multiple distribution with same codebase? - I assume your answer would be yes.

If you develop a product based on CppCMS you can redistribute it according to terms of LGPLv3 license or commercial license for a fee if you need.

Nilay Parikh, at 1/23/12, 4:31 PM

Cheers! That helps a lot.

Thanks again.

Nilay Parikh, at 1/26/12, 2:12 PM

Hi artyom,

I'm struggling to setup with VS 2010 and compile, have you got project with solution files that I can download or eclipse/netbins/codeblock. I'm struggling for sorting out minimal setup to start with Proof of Concept.

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    Nilay Parikh, at 1/26/12, 2:13 PM

    *I mean to say project.conf (e.g for vs .sln, etc) files with correct directory structure that I can open and jump on PoC development.

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    artyom, at 1/26/12, 4:44 PM

    I'm struggling to setup with VS 2010 and compile

    Do you mean build the CppCMS library or a simple "hello world" project?

    • If it is CppCMS library what exactly the problem do you have?
    • If it is a simple "hello world" project what exactly the problem do you have?

    Also I recommend you to join CppCMS Users mailing list and start asking questions there.

    Nilay Parikh, at 1/26/12, 6:22 PM

    Sure I'll join group there, it is CppCMS app :), hello world would be next thing!

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    artyom, at 1/26/12, 7:35 PM

    Follow these instructions:


    If still have problems, ask on mailing list about what exactly do not work.

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