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CppCMS and STLPort

1/18/12, by artyom ; 0 comments

I was interest to take a look in STLPort for a long time ago and recently I finally did it.

STLPort is a cross platform and "cross compiler" implementation of the standard C++ library. It has more permissive license then libstdc++ and frequently used when C++ developers want to use same code across different platforms and compiler vendors.

It is quite simple to use it instead of libstdc++ with gcc:

g++ -I /usr/include/stlport file.cpp -lstlport

So I tried CppCMS with it and was stuck with two STLPort library bugs:

So how do you build CppCMS with STLPort? Simple:

  1. Fix the -fvisibility=hidden problem as shown above.
  2. Configure CppCMS with an option -DUSE_STLPORT=ON -DDISABLE_STD_LOCALE=ON, thats it.

Note, the STLPort support is still experimental and due to some issues with STLPort library it is recommended to remove std localization backend from the library.

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