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Wikipp is converted to new CppCMS 1.x.x and running on main site!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Framework; 2 comments

Hello all,

Wikipp is now running on top of alpha version of CppCMS 1.x.x. It is one important step to release of first beta version of new generation of CppCMS.

Update me if you have any issues.

CppCMS 1.x.x updates

Saturday, May 15, 2010, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Framework, Comet; 0 comments

After big internal changes I explain some critical architectural updates that CppCMS 1.x.x did.

In few words:

  1. Removed cppcms_boost library. Only several essential tools, not visible to API are still taken from cppcms_boost which compiled statically into cppcms library.
  2. Booster library was introduced. It is a library with boost-like interfaces that do not depend on actual boost. Some of the code is taken from boost library, some are wrappers of good C libraries and some totally new code I had written with ABI compatibility in mind.

Following my previous post feel free to update your working copies.


CppCMS 1.x.x would provide backward compatible API and ABI and thus it can't relate on Boost library in it's public API. Only possible way to provide Boost API to users is actually wrapping it.

CppCMS 1.x.x introduces asynchronous even loop to web development - something that is very critical for Comet programming. This loop was based on Boost.Asio. But unfortunately it had very big limitations and writing a good wrapper Boost.Asio was unfeasible.

So a small "Boost_er_" library replaced required functionality from boost partially reimplementing, partially wrapping C libraries and partially borrowing the code from Boost itself.

Booster has following components:

The AIO library it is central CppCMS event loop that has Asio like API - proactor design, callback interface, etc.

However unlike ASIO it uses very few template classes, it is prefork-friendly (unlike ASIO)

Booster.Aio interface would allow Comet application to receive various asynchronous notifications from any source that can deliver such notifications over sockets.

CppCMS 0.0.5 (Stable) Released

Monday, January 11, 2010, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Framework; 6 comments

Hello All,

Version 0.0.5 of CppCMS framework (stable brunch) had been released. So far:

Security Bugs:



CppCMS 1.x.x moves to CMake

Thursday, November 12, 2009, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Framework; 0 comments

No, I don't think that CMake is better then autotools. In fact I still think that CMake is total "crap". It has terrible cache policy, it has broken configuration_file support. It is crappy documentation and many broken configuration tools like CheckTypeSizeOf... and much more.

But it supports MSVC (that I may think supporting in future) and has a better Windows support... So I announce that next version of CppCMS would use CMake (and it already uses in re-factoring branch).

Autotools build system is no longer supported and will be removed from the CppCMS 1.x.x branch, because I do not really like supporting two build systems.

I hope CppCMS users would understand this terrible move.

CppCMS meets Comet

Thursday, August 27, 2009, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Framework, Comet; 8 comments

One of the major requirements for framework refactoring was support of Comet. Now, with introduction of asynchronous request handling and persistent application servers it becomes reality.

Client Side

There is a HTML source of simple chat client, that uses Dojo toolkit. It does following:

  1. Submits new messages to the server application by posting form using XHR:

     function send_data() {
             var kw = {
                     url : "/chat/post",
                     form : "theform"
             return false;
  2. Receives new messages from the server using long poll via XHR:

     var message_count = 0;
     function read_data() {
             dojo.xhrGet( {
                     url: "/chat/get/" + message_count,
                     timeout: 120000,
                     handleAs: "text",
                     load: function(response, ioArgs) {
                             dojo.byId("messages").innerHTML =
                                     + '<br/>'
                                     + dojo.byId("messages").innerHTML;
                             return response;
                     error: function(response,ioArgs) {
                             return response;

So, the client side is quite simple (however error handling should be quite better).

Server Side

First we create our long running asynchronous application, that receives two kinds for requests: "/post" -- with new data, and "/get/NN" -- receive message nuber NN, we assign these calls to two member functions post and get.

class chat : public cppcms::application {
    chat(cppcms::service &srv) : cppcms::application(srv)

Now, this class includes two data members:

    std::vector<std::string> messages_;
    std::vector<cppcms::intrusive_ptr<cppcms::http::context> > waiters_;

The history of all chat messages -- messages_ and all pending get requests that can't be satisfied, because the message still not exists -- waiters_

Each, "waiter" is actually pointer to request/response context that can be used for message transport.

Now, when new message arrives, post member function is called:

void post()
    if(request().request_method()=="POST") {
        if(request().post().find("message")!=request().post().end()) {

If the requested message was found, it is added to messages_ list and all waiters are notified using broadcast() member function.

At the end, the current request context is released and completed.

The broadcasting is done as following:

void broadcast()
    for(unsigned i=0;i<waiters_.size();i++) {
        waiters_[i]->response().out() << messages_.back();

For each pending request the last message is written and the request closed. After that, all pending request are cleaned.

When get request arrives, it is handled by get(std::string no) member function, first of all we check if requested message exists, if so we just return it to user.

unsigned pos=atoi(no.c_str());
if(pos < messages_.size()) {

Otherwise, if the requested message is the last one, that does not exists, we add the request context to pending list waiters

else if(pos == messages_.size()) {

If requested message it too late -- probably client error, we just set status to "404 Not Found" and return the response.

else {

No, all we need to do is to add application to the main running loop under script name "/char" and start the service.

cppcms::service service(argc,argv);
cppcms::intrusive_ptr<chat> app=new chat(service);


So, the simple chat service was written with about 50 lines of C++ code and about same amount of JavaScript code.

I must admit, that it is too simplistic and not efficient, for example: if new client connects it receives all messages one by one and not as bulk (can be easily fixed), I do not handle timeouts and disconnects. But the general idea is quite clear:

This is actually a base for future development of tools like XML-RPC and JSON-RPC that allow client to call asynchronously server side objects, it can be used for implementation of any other Comet protocols.

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