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Session Management in CppCMS

Monday, January 5, 2009, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Storage; 0 comments

Session management branch was merged to trunk, now you can use sessions transparently in CppCMS.

Quite full tutorial about sessions in CppCMS was written:

DbiXX Documentation

Sunday, November 23, 2008, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Storage; 2 comments

DbiXX SQL Library documentation is completed. It can be found in the wiki:


CppCMS Wiki In the WWW

Thursday, October 30, 2008, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Framework; 0 comments

From this point, all project documentation will be available in the CppCMS Wiki. There still not much documentation there, however, slowly all the framework will be documented.

The wiki itself has multilingual support. Thus if someone wants to translate the documentation to his language, drop me a mail and I'll open and additional language category. Meanwhile, there are two languages: English and Hebrew.

New templates in trunk

Saturday, October 18, 2008, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Templates; 0 comments

New templates branch finally merged to trunk.

This blog is now running on new templates system. Please, inform me in case of any problems.


Preparing to Beta 2...

Thursday, October 16, 2008, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Templates, Cache; 10 comments

What expected in the next beta version:

  1. Now CppCMS is really ready for serving high load sides, thanks to new distributed cache module based on Boost.Asio.

    Several CppCMS processes running on different computers can share same cache distributed over several TCP/IP cache servers.

  2. Staticly typed template system that fully integrated with the framework that allows:
    • "Django style" template inheritance.
    • Powerful extendsions abilities using C++ code directly.
    • Static compilation with generated templates code or loading templates as external shared objects.
    • Creates a potential for future "forms/widgets" integration.
  3. Various bugfixes and code cleanup.

Possibly included: form validation and generation modules.

to be Continued...

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