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It is official, Boost.Locale on its way to formal review

Thursday, February 17, 2011, by artyom ; Posted in: Unicode and Localization; one comment

Now it is official, Boost.Locale is scheduled for a formal review at April 7-16.

Boost.Locale is important part of CppCMS as was developed for its needs, however I had found that this library was so important and useful that I decided to "Boostify" and make it ready for a formal review for Boost.

What does it provides:

Most of these features are based on the state-of-the-art Unicode library ICU but it also allows to handle many of them using only standard operating system API significantly reducing its size and requirements of external components.

Most important is that is provides platform independent and uniform interface for C++ localization and internationalization tightly integrated to C++ iostreams and existing std::locale framework.

The most up-to-date version of the library and documentation would be released soon.

Security Issue Fix Release: 0.99.6 and 0.0.8

Thursday, January 13, 2011, by artyom ; one comment

This release fixes security issue existing in CppCMS 1.x.x version <= 0.99.5 and CppCMS 0.0.x <= 0.0.7.

The Issue

Who is affected?

Users who use AES encrypted cookies for session data storage

What is the risk

Attackers may create a session data that wasn't generated by the CppCMS application - so basically attacker may change the content of the session to something else. And potentially, for example, gain some rights that he does not have.

What is not exposed

The privacy of the data stored in the session is not affected.


It is recommended to upgrade to latest CppCMS version.


If it is not possible and you are using AES encrypted cookies as sessions storage, do one of the following:

Detailed Description

The Problem Description

The redundancy check of AES encrypted session cookies was too weak, allowing attacker to create cookies that would look like valid cookies generated by CppCMS but they would contain an invalid content.

More detailed, the cookies where created as following:


Where k is secret key, P is the encoded data and C the cookies stored at client side.

However this scheme is weak and does not really protect against creation of invalid content. There are known attacks against C=AES_k(P,HASH(P)), I assume attacks against the scheme above can be created as well.

The Fix Provided

The cookies data is now encrypted and signed as:

C1=AES_{k_1}(P), C=C1,MAC_{k_2}(C1)

Where MAC is HMAC-SHA1 k1, k2 are keys that are either provided or generated from the source key k as k_1=MAC'_k(0), k_2=MAC'_k(1)

Additional Configuration Options (CppCMS 1.x.x)

Added a way to provide explicit MAC and encryption algorithm:

You may specify only hmac and hmac_key and then the cookies would be only "signed", of you specify cbc and cbc_key they would be also encrypted.

When you use the current method specifying session.client.encryptor with "aes" then HMAC-SHA1 would be used ensure authentication and the MAC and encryption keys would be generated from the provided session.client.key.

You may also store the key in file and use:

Instead of

The file pointed by this value is a text file that holds hexadecimal representation of the key you need to use.

These keys are read before switching the user and forking allowing to make these keys files to be non-readable in the normal run-time.

CppCMS 0.0.8 AES Encryption

It uses AES128 for secrecy and HMAC-SHA1 for authentication, the keys for each one of them are generated from the single key provided in the configuration file.

Additional Bug Fixes:

CppDB changes license.

Saturday, January 8, 2011, by artyom ; Posted in: Storage; 0 comments

I had decided to change the license of CppDB (the SQL Connectivity Library) to permissive one.

Now CppDB is dual licensed under Boost Software License or MIT License.

I actually would like to release it under BSL only, but unfortunately the MySQL connector does not have a GPL exception for this license - so if you use GPL MySQL connector with CppDB you should follow the MIT license terms.

This was the step I had planned to do from the beginning as it would bring more potential users for this specific part of CppCMS project and as it would probably allow it being integrated to the Boost project in future.

Due to license change CppDB 0.0.3 was released that has exactly the same code as CppDB 0.0.2 but has BSL/MIT license instead of LGPLv3.

Of course the CppCMS itself remains licensed under LGPLv3 and this is not going to be changed.

CppDB 0.0.2 Released

Monday, January 3, 2011, by artyom ; Posted in: Storage; 5 comments

New Features:


CppCMS 0.99.5 released

Saturday, January 1, 2011, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress; 0 comments


New Features:

Bugs Fixes:

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