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The blog was upgraded

Thursday, June 16, 2011, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress; 15 comments

The blog was upgraded.

In fact it was completely rewritten to use all new features of CppCMS 0.99.7. It was not a simple task, as this blog was the first application implemented with CppCMS. It carried lots of legacy code. For example the it hadn't even used sessions or existing form validation tools at all.

So the new version that was rewritten with all new tools and now safe application to use.

It's code can be found in svn at:

After running the new version on this web site for a while I'll release it officially with all appropriate build instructions and release notes.

Meanwhile if you want to try it, you need following:

Build it with CMake as usual (inside sources)

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

And then you can create a database using sql/mysql.sql, sql/postgresql.sql or sql/sqlite3.sql scripts, edit config.js according to the DB and run it as usual.

./blog -c ../config.js

On first access you'll be requested to configure the blog.

Currently it supports:


Who Uses CppCMS?

Monday, June 13, 2011, by artyom ; 5 comments

Who uses CppCMS? It is a big question. Not because there are no CppCMS users. There are plenty, just take a look on CppCMS users mailing list. However, almost nobody tells us about it

I had recently discovered a small company Dhiti that uses CppCMS for their RESTful web services like: http://dive.dhiti.com, http://drilll.com and http://intweetion.com.

I was quite excited about this. I had also remembered that Tatoeba project developers were planing to rewrite their software based on CakePHP in C++ using CppCMS. So I had looked once again on. Indeed, the process had started. The announcement was published in Tatoeba Blog. More then that, I discovered that alpha-version of Tatoeba written in C++ was already on the web: http://tato.sysko.fr, and had shown significant performance improvements.


Dear CppCMS users,

So if you have an active public web site running on CppCMS, if your company or your project embeds CppCMS in your applications, please tell us.

There is a page on the CppCMS's wiki that is created especially for this purpose:
"Who Uses CppCMS"

I will be grateful if you add your projects to the "Who Uses CppCMS" page.

Boost.Locale was accepted into Boost

Tuesday, April 26, 2011, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress, Unicode and Localization; 4 comments

Now it is official. Boost.Locale was accepted into Boost.

So the Localization part of CppCMS would be spread all over the C++ world.

Formal Review of Boost.Locale starts today

Thursday, April 7, 2011, by artyom ; Posted in: Unicode and Localization; one comment

The formal review of the Boost.Locale library starts today.

I hope it would pass the review and would be accepted as official Boost library.

CppCMS 0.99.7 Rleased

Saturday, March 26, 2011, by artyom ; Posted in: Progress; 7 comments

Security Bugs:

All users are encouraged to upgrade to latest version, if not possible do following:

New Features:


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